Medfield Park & Recreation
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  • Dear Medfield Residents,  

    We hope this post finds you well. You are likely aware that the Pfaff Center is permanently closed. Parks and Recreation is settling into our new temporary space in the UCC Church located at 496 Main St (Next to Bank of America) With this change, comes a new phone number for our department. The new number is 508-350-7030.

    Because of the Pfaff Center closure, we are navigating the best way to continue to deliver our programming, especially with summer camp. We are hopeful to have more answers about summer camp at our next Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on Wednesday, February 12th at 6 pm in Chenery Hall.  The meeting will also be available on Zoom. Our goal is to keep camp as normal as possible.  We recognize there will be challenges.

    We’ve had families and residents ask what they can do to help. First, come to the meeting or join via Zoom on February 12th. It’s important to hear from our families of the needs of summer camp and future programs during the school year. Second, this May at Town Meeting there will be an article in regards to funding for temporary spacing for Parks and Recreation. We are hopeful to have a temporary modular building, so that we can host more summer camp participants as well as programs and events in the future for Parks and Recreation. We will need your support to pass this article, as Parks and Recreation can’t fully fund this project on our own. 

    We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate our new norm. We will continue to update as soon as more information allows. 
    Thank you,

    Medfield Parks and Recreation

Welcome to Medfield Parks and Recreation

To access a flipbook version of our Spring pamphlet, simply click on the image below.


Medfield Outreach assists as many families as they can for summer camp and year round programming.

If you are in need of financial assistance please reach out to Medfield Outreach:

Katie Walper, Director of Parks and Recreation 
Jacqui Conley, Program Coordinator
Rich Vautour, Equipment Operator/Landscaping/Fields
Office Phone: 508-350-7030
Office Address: 124 North St., Medfield, MA
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30 - 4:30pm

Tax ID Number: 046-001-216